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The Socialists are here only for one reason-to work for you. We support continued strict gun control, continued single-peyer heathcare, continued free university to ensure true oppurtunity, the new minimum wage, the new closed shop for the public sector, and the 30-hour workweek to let Atlanticans live. We are proud to call ourselves Environmentalists, and we support more environmental protections to save Esquarium. Our support of Socialism comes from a desire to work for you.

 Our Platform


Education is a cornerstone of a socialist society. We support continued 100% free education for every Atlantican, to ensure equality of oppurtunity. We also support increased funding for education, and reducing school sizes from 20 kids to 15 kids.


Housing is once of life's basic needs, and the Socialist Party recognizes housing as that.


We support more low-income housing, and an expansion of shelters for the homeless. We also support keeping squatting somewhat legal, by ensuring that abandonded and unusing buildings may be used for housing and other related activies, in order to reduce homelessness. Addittionally, we support the creation of more mental health clinics to reduce the number of "hardcore homeless", or the homeless who have developed severe mental issues and do not claim benefits.


Healthcare is a right that all deserve. We very strongly support the continuation of single-payer and the Atlantican Health Service, and we promise not to privtize or defund any part of the AHS.


We support the introduction of more environmental protections inlcuding expanding and heavily limitng commercial use of national parks, 100% clean (wind, marine, solar, water, and nuclear) energy, and the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. We need to save Esquarium.


Every human is equal. Every human, no matter whom they love, what the colour of their skin is, what's inbetween their legs, who they pray to (or don't), is equal.


We very strongly support the continuation of strict Anti-Discrimination laws, hich we proudly extended. We naturally support same-sex marriage, adoption and are against so-called 'sodomy' laws. We also support keeping a trans person's right to be who they are, and in 2002 we are proud to say we banned 'conversion therapy', a psuedoscientific form of torture on LGBT individuals. We support continued equality between heterosexual, bisexual, asexual, and homosexual individuals, as well as continued equality between cisgender and transgender individuals.


We also very strongly support programs to help equality between the sexes, and we established (and continue to support) quotas that require at least 40% women or men to be at Board of Directors, and in public sector jobs


We believe that drugs can be very harmful to a person's life. However, we also recognize the Prohibition only enocourages gangs and clogs up prison systems, while not actualy reducing the number of drug users. As such, we support the "Discourage, not Ban" policy, in which all drugs are legal for individuals above age 25 (although softer drugs are available at slightly lower ages), but the government funds large-scale prevention campaigns (especially for had drugs, and rehabilitation is provided freely and encouraged by the AHS.

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